Evolving Personal Finance » Archive
Personal Finance Bloggers I Admire

Today I’m sharing with you a list of bloggers that I admire. They are all successful in a variety of ways – namely, that they have defined for themselves some major goal and are well on their way to achieving it. While all the goals are different, I imagine that their success gives them the flexibility to pursue what’s important to them – the motivation behind the money management. I hope you will check out … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging
Upcoming Transition and a Potential Financial Overhaul

I believe I’ve mentioned this a few times on the blog but haven’t explained the full scenario: Kyle is striving to finish his PhD this spring (or, less optimistically, over the summer). He is currently looking for his first post-PhD job, a postdoctoral position, which is essentially additional training in the lab of another faculty member and will last 2-5 years. Good news: this job transition will come with approximately a 40% raise over his … Read entire article »
Filed under: budgeting, transitions
Festival of Frugality #372
Welcome to the 372th Edition of the Festival of Frugality! Food-Related Harry Campbell presents Is Restaurant Week Even a Good Deal? posted at Your Personal Finance Pro. “Have you heard of restaurant week? Most large metropolitan cities have some form of it, but the general idea is that you pay a discounted rate for a three course price fixed dinner at a top restaurant in your city. In San Diego, the options are for $20/$30/$40 dinners at over 150 restaurants. There are obviously quite a few options and three courses for $20-$40 may sound like a good deal but I’m here to tell you, it’s not.” Colin Williams presents What Is The Real Cost Of Coffee, Snacks and Lunch To You? posted at humble savers. “This post comes with a FREE calculator to … Read entire article »
Filed under: carnival
Frugal Practices I’ve Grown to Love

It’s wonderful when a positive, self-beneficial act becomes automatic and even better when you enjoy or look forward to doing it! Being frugal doesn’t come naturally to me; I had to learn many of my current practices over time and fight against my upbringing. My husband will attest that I’m certainly not frugal in all aspects of my spending! But I’m so glad I started doing the activities that I list below because they have … Read entire article »
Filed under: cars, checking, found money, frugality, insurance
Weekly Update 46
Kyle and I were both (extra) hard at work this week – actually succeeding in our effort to get to work on the early side! We were also able to score tickets to a basketball game this week, which was very fun. Durham was all in a tizzy because of 3-6″ in snow were predicted for Thursday night, and many schools an businesses announced closings and delays on Thursday evening. I told myself “I’ll believe it when I see it” and keeping myself from getting excited turned out to be the best move – the roads were simply wet on Friday morning, nothing more! Posts I Liked Kim from Eyes on the Dollar details all the ways you can save money with grocery store loyalty cards. Matt Alden S. from Dividend Monk at Budgets … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Blog Statistics Update December 2012 – January 2013

This month Kyle really got engaged with working on the back end of the blog! We added some new advertisements and I bought How I Make Money Blogging so we can try to implement some of those strategies. This month EPF was added to the Wisebread Top 1000. I applied to get on it quite a while ago and am looking forward to improving our rank. EPF was also featured as the site of the month … Read entire article »
Filed under: blogging, month in review
How Sharing a Car Has Helped Our Joint Finances

Kyle and I have completely joint finances – no allowances or “blow money” or anything similar – because 1) we agree on most everything anyway, 2) I don’t think we have a high enough income to spend on things we can’t both agree to, and 3) we don’t know how to halt the creep of separate finances that starts with designating any money as “mine” and “yours” instead of “ours.” Not only do we have joint … Read entire article »
Weekly Update 45
I haven’t done one of these update posts in a few weeks, partially because of travel and partially because the PF blogosphere was pretty quiet over the holidays! But posting and commenting seems to be back at full speed, so this update is as well. Pretty quiet week for us! We saw Jekyll and Hyde at our local theater this week, but it wasn’t the greatest. We had a lovely date night in on Friday – we cooked dinner together and then watched Harry Potter 7 Part 2. We watched (on TV) our university’s basketball team lose on Saturday so we’re pretty upset about that, but we knew it would be a challenging game. Posts I Liked Mrs. Pop from Planting Our Pennies spins an interesting tale from their time property-hunting at Eyes … Read entire article »
Filed under: weekly update
Grandparents Providing Childcare

I have noticed an unexpected trend in my friends/peers who have had their first child. I guess I assumed that new parents would, after their maternity/paternity leave ended, either both return to work and put their child in daycare or one parent would stay home to care for the infant. Instead, I would say that most of the first-time parents that I have observed (an admittedly small number) have their parents provide childcare after both … Read entire article »
Filed under: family